Getting the Gift is Step 1

But Saaaraaah! I worked sooo hard to raise that gift! Why am I only at step one?!

Because your best next donor is the one you already have!

Landing a charitable gift is thrilling. It can be time-consuming and challenging. I don't want to diminish the phenomenal effort and sheer exhilaration that often go into raising a gift for your nonprofit.

But existing donors already believe in your mission.

If you thank them, explain how their funds are transforming your nonprofit and those you serve, thank them, show progress and impact, and thank them. You'll bring them even closer to the organization and possibly inspire more giving. Stewardship (aka donor relations) is key. Written progress reports, in-person visits, handwritten cards, and more remind the donor how much their generosity is utilized and appreciated throughout your group.

Step one is the gift.

Step two is thanking and showing the impact of that gift.


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